In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the Faculty of Science, Tanta University and the website of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector. The goals assigned to the sector are to strengthen the ties between the academic scientific community of our esteemed college and the surrounding community so that science and cognitive systems become a control for life in society, as well as maximizing the benefit from applied research for the benefit of the surrounding community. It also aims to train cadres professionally according to the needs of the labor market. The sector includes the administration of Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs and a group of units, including the Crisis and Disaster Management Unit, the Training Unit, the Graduate Follow-up Unit, and the Marketing Unit. The sector also supervises the units of a special nature in the college, including the microanalysis unit and the public service center, and the medical clinic is also affiliated with it. These units vary in their services to college employees, students, graduates, and the surrounding community through raising awareness of environmental problems and how to deal with them, as well as providing scientific consultations regarding the environment to educational, industrial, and agricultural bodies, local administrations, and others. In order to enhance the college’s plan to graduate distinguished students whose qualifications are compatible with the diversity in the labor market, the sector monitors the permanent change in the labor market and supplies other sectors of the college to develop regulations that suit the labor market.
Prof. Dr. Zenhom El-Said Salem
Vice Dean of the College for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs