Dean Word

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the website of the Faculty of Science - Tanta University, especially from the headquarters of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the Faculty. The Community Service and Environmental Development Sector aims to establish a bridge linking the scientific and academic side with the societal and environmental side so that science becomes a way of life. The sector includes the Department of Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs - Crisis and Disaster Management Unit - Graduate Follow-up Unit - Training Unit - Marketing Unit. It also supervises the centers and special units (the precise analysis unit - the public service center), the medical clinic, and the literacy unit. These units aim to provide services to the students at the faculty and graduates and to communicate with them and provide environmental consultations to industrial and agricultural bodies. We hope to create a new environment of interconnection and cooperation between the faculty and the community to provide graduates whose qualifications match the requirements of the labor market and create a clean environment that encourages our children to do good work, excellence and innovation.

Prof. Nihal Atef Mohamed Salah El-Din

  Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs