Botany Department

Botany Program Message

The Botany Program - Department of Botany and Microbiology – Faculty of Science – Tanta University is committed to enable the students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the labor market.


Botany Program Aims

This program gives us opportunity to:
 provide students with the aspects of plant physiology and plant pathology and ecology together with the principles of molecular biology and applications of biotechnology, and will also know the essentials of plant taxonomy and classification.
 It teaches and trains students in botanical sciences, to adequately equip them to apply their knowledge meaningfully in any activity requiring botanical expertise.
 It discusses the main concepts of plant biology and related bases of chemistry, physics and mathematics. It acquires skills relating to career management, communication (both written and oral), information and data handling, numeracy, problem solving, team working and use of information technology.
 There is also an opportunity for language study

To contact:

Tanta University

Faculty of Science

Medical Campus

Tel: 002-040-3344352

Fax: 002-040-3350804
