The latest News

Dr. Sara Salem is Appointed as Manager of the Executive Center of Sustainable Development for Community Service and Environmental Development at Tanta University

Dr. Sara Salem is Appointed as Manager of the Executive Center of Sustainable Development for Community Service and Environmental Development at Tanta University

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Dr. Mohamed El-Sheshtawy is the Manager of International Ranking Unit at Tanta University

Dr. Mohamed El-Sheshtawy is the Manager of International Ranking Unit at Tanta University

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Prof. Al-Sayed Salem is Appointed as Manager of Research Projects Unit and Scientific Excellence Centers at Tanta University

Prof. Al-Sayed Salem is Appointed as Manager of Research Projects Unit and Scientific Excellence Centers at Tanta University

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Dean of Faculty of Science

Prof. Abeer Abdul-Hameed Mohammed Alam-Eldeen

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Specialized Programs

The Faculty of Science , Tanta University, provides many special programs (credit hour system) for students and Postgraduate

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