Computer Science Program

Program mission


The program is committed to preparing a scientifically and practically competent graduate in computer science in its various branches who is capable of conducting purposeful and constructive scientific research that contributes to developing the educational process and competing in the local and international labor market to meet the requirements of societal and environmental problems.


Program Vision


Excellence in academic programs and applied scientific research in the field of computer science to serve society

Program Goals:
Providing students with theoretical knowledge in various branches of computer science, starting from the basics to the current research in selected topics with an understanding of computer science and its role in the development of society.
Developing students’ appropriate practical skills along with continuous training for different programs and programming languages
Providing students with a set of personal and transferable skills that increase their opportunities for future work; Including - writing, oral presentation and team work, as well as IT skills.
Enhancing the self-learning of knowledge and develop students' ability to find, understand and analyze information and computer data
Developing the students’ ability to apply their knowledge and skills to solve theoretical and practical problems in different fields based on ethical, economic and environmental aspects Preparing students for a specialized career path or degree in computer science .