Faculty of Science Students Studying Professional Master's Program of Surveying and Mining Are Trained at Black Sand Sites on the Mediterranean Coast

In the light of the cooperation between Faculty of Science at Tanta University and the Nuclear Materials Authority in El-Katameya, Cairo, a group of students enrolled at the Professional Master's Program in Surveying and Mining at Faculty of Science, Tanta University, received training at the Nuclear Materials Authority in Rashid and El-Burullus. They were trained in identifying minerals extracted from black sand and various separation methods, as these minerals are of high economic value play an important role in boosting Egyptian economy such as zircon, monazite, ilmenite, magnetite, garnet, rutile, and many rare earth elements. They are sourced from the Mediterranean beaches.

   The training was conducted under patronage and supervision of Prof. Abeer Abdel Hamid Alam Al-Din, Faculty Dean, and Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Wahid, Chairman of Geology Department, in coordination with Prof. Mohamed Abu Anbar, the Full Professor at Department of Geology and Program Coordinator, Dr. Hamed Mera, Board Chairman of the Nuclear Materials Authority, and Dr. Jihad Saleh, Vice Chairperson of the Nuclear Materials Authority.
