Uploading the titles of research projects for students of the second term exams for the academic year 2019/2020 on the electronic platform


The Student Affairs Committee of the Faculty of Science, Tanta University, chaired by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdel-Azim El Sebai, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Education, held on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, at eleven o'clock in the office of the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Education, where the Committee was informed of the decisions of the Supreme Council of Universities on April 18, 2020 And May 7, 2020 and the executive committee formed to follow up on these decisions as well as decisions issued by the university council regarding exams for the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020, where the titles of research projects for students have been raised on the college platform and students will start immediately after the completion of preparing the researches to raise them on the platform at a date Its target is June 15, 2020. This research will be evaluated by the corrective committees formed by the scientific departments, provided that the control from June 30, 2020 to the delivery of evaluation forms signed by the committees of the correctors and statements of clarification of the student status (successful / precipitated) after their approval by Mr. D. / head of the department concerned in addition to C She has all the research for each of the curricula and work is underway in preparing exam schedules for students whose examination is scheduled (paper exam) after the end of a period of study suspension and according to the dates set by the university.


